Sunday, April 13, 2014

Spring has sprung!

It is definitely spring here at the Nerd house. (Nerd is my title and my name. Deal with it.) I have been laid up lately with a broken ankle, but I am still trying to get out and get things done, and before he left, Aaron got a lot done too. He added a river rock maintenance strip along the front of the house  and he has cleared and leveled the space behind the shed so that we could put paver stones down and get some blackberry free storage back there. My sister's friend Hal came over and helped me out by digging a flower bed along the side of the yard there.

I didn't steal it, I borrowed it. This is the front of our house, a la Google Maps. 

As you can see, there were plants, but there wasn't a lot going on in the yard. Now the rose bushes are trimmed back and in their own defined space. I planted bulbs along the drive way leading to the house and have a few blue flowers in there as well. I got a spiffy planter box for the window right by the front door and have some prettiness happening right up front. And I have a jasmine plant in front of our office window now.

My dad was amazing enough to help me haul 140 bricks from Home Depot home (I can do a lot with this laid up foot, but that wasn't going to be one of them). Home Depot is having a Spring Black Friday sale and we got our supplies for 50% off. SCORE! I took a few pictures so that I can share what the yard looks like now. It is still a work in progress, but it's slowly but surely getting there.

These bricks are already in place and waiting on me to get more mulch from Lowes.

The trench has been dug for these, so I just need to go through and get them placed.

I am going to have to have help using the cultivator so I can dig a trench for these and get that puppy sectioned off.

 This is my apple tree in the backyard. It is beautiful right now with all the blossoms, and will delicious in a few months with all the apples.

We are going to ignore the fact that two of the plants have already gone to the great garden in the sky.

We started some seeds so we can get our veggie on come summer

And to cap off my green thumb post, I will show you guys the awesome green mani that I am rocking. China Glaze, or course.


  1. And you showed us every finger but your thumb.....

    1. Because obviously my thumb is green. Check out those plants! Haha I just needed the rest of my finger to match.
